Bernie Sanders won’t win either way…


My fellow peers of age (I’m 20) all seem to think Bernie Sanders is the greatest thing to happen to this country since it was founded. His authenticity and vigor energize them into an idealistic frenzy that makes them feel he can and will change America for the better. I believed his hype for a while too. What college kid doesn’t want free college, healthcare, and major social reform? Regardless of the logistical problems that belie those changes there is one larger problem that Obama himself faced, and its a problem that I believe should be dealt with as soon as possible.

All the candidates promise and pontificate on how and what they will do to fix this country, but the people forget the massive fucking roadblock in the candidate’s ways. The House and Congress. Sure, the president has the veto power and all that other jazz, but our main functioning legislative bodies are the House of Representatives and Congress and both have been bickering like children over whose king of the playground. They are the reason for stagnation in our legislature, not the president.

If Bernie Sanders (or anyone for that matter) gets elected, his ideas will have to face the House and Congress before going into effect, and with the both bodies so highly polarized along party lines neither of them would be willing to go against their party for the sake of the betterment of this country.

The House and Congress have forgotten who they exist for, the people and residents of the United States of America. With how they are acting it feels false to say we are a united body. They care more about their own beliefs that than of the people they supposedly represent. They are no longer, by the people, of the people, and for the people. They exist for themselves right now.


To my peers, if you want a political revolution don’t look at the president, look at your state representatives, look at your neighboring state’s representatives. You want change? Change them, change how they function, change them from being selfish gang leaders to the megaphone of you and your allies.

We need to put both the House and Congress back into their rightful place. Term limits, restrictions about what they can do for themselves, the ability for the people to impeach/expel congressmen they feel are not doing what they should.

Now I realize just how idealistic I sound. This isn’t something that happens overnight. This will take decades, if not more, to change. Congress and the House have had time to hunker down and let their roots grow far and deep. But if we start now, maybe we can save our nation from sinking.

The people of the USA are passengers of a car driven by a drunk driver. That driver is the House and Congress. If we don’t fix this soon, we are going to end up as modern art wrapped around a tree.


We were rebels when we started, our country needs us to be rebels again.


Here is a website that gives you the phone numbers of all congressional members currently in power. Use it as you will.

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