

There is always a fine line between genius and insanity. I believe one cannot exist without the other. Genius thrives in the presence of insanity, because insanity keeps us from being afraid of what could go wrong.103639-Aristotle+madness+quote+
Now the insanity I speak of is less than the clinical term. No, this insanity is like when you have a bad day, or you suffer a severe injury, and you can’t help but laugh. Laugh like a maniac one might say. Because in the face of adversity this insanity can come out and shield us and push us forward. This insanity is like an adrenaline rush, numbing us to our aching hearts and minds and letting us seek our goal even in a hampered state.
Every great thinker has faced this insanity, or even been called insane by his contemporaries. Galileo when he spoke of a heliocentric model, Einstein when he was developing his theory of relativity, Tesla when he made all of his patents public. Each one looked beyond what the world might say and focused on their goal. They each went crazy.

And that is honestly what I believe is happening with me right here. This is my insanity. I have little hope of developing a large following, or making much more impact on the world than any other average Joe, or even writing well thought out articles. Nonetheless I chose to write cause out of some insanity I believe I can help, guide, and show people a better choice in life than that which they might see before them. This is going to be sort of like an Ask Emma Column in the newspaper. If you have questions that you want perspective on (I will never outright tell you what to do, that is your choice not mine.) or you want a topic discussed, I guess inbox me or leave a comment.


Diary of A Wimpy Psycho? Where in the hell did that name come from?  Diaryofawimpy psycho

Well the name derives from what I believe the world might see me as. I am not muscular or big. I am strange, weird, perhaps deviant to some of you. I prefer listening to art lectures instead of watching sports, and love discussing topics that can leave people facing existential crises, which I often face myself due to the topics discussed.
So Diary Of A Wimpy Psycho I think fits the overall idea of this being my blog fairly well. It will be like a diary; I will write about current events occasionally, give perspectives based off of challenges I face in my life, and tid bits of knowledge I have gained to leave the generations after us.
Now why Psycho? Well thats fairly easy to explain. I might rant or rave like a madman about topics I’m passionate for. I use hyperbole to great extent and have dramatic tendencies. And last but not least, I do believe each and every human being on this planet is in someway or another a little psychotic.


Odd ends and ended odds: I promote discussion about topics, but all discussion must be civil. If you can’t maintain that refer to your kindergarten years and remember, “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

I love feedback about anything and everything I will write about. If you have an opinion, especially a different one than I have expressed, I would love to hear about it from you. I can teach, but I always seek to be taught for no man is ever really a master of anything.
“If you must say you are a king, then you are no king at all” Poor paraphrasing of what I think is a Game of Thrones quote.

Don’t ask for an update schedule. I would love to be able to give you one, but I am perhaps one of the least organized people in the world. If I am away too long, please tell me you would like another article or an update. You might just be the motivation I need to write something.

I am glad to have you along for the ride!