My life rules: Part 1 of X

Take chances

I have lived most of my life as a coward. I’m not afraid to admit that (no pun intended). But as I got older I saw all these moments in my past where I wish I hadn’t been so scared and that I had taken the plunge. However the outcome might have been, good or bad, having done something would’ve been much more interesting. It’s a terrible feeling looking back and wishing you had done things differently.
Of all the words in the English language, the worst are “it might have been”780276f365a1e25479f0ac584b9987d2
So rule 1#: Take chances. You don’t have to do it every time, but at least be sure to do it occasionally. Life gets dull when your day consists of a rinse repeat cycle with no moments to break the monotony. Life is not meant to be a straight smooth line. It’s supposed to be a rollercoaster track with loops, turns, twists, drops and skyrockets!



Always carry a knife. (Where legally applicable)

This I have borrowed from a TV show character, because I believe it has incredible merit. Knives are among the most versatile of tools. You can use it as a screwdriver, a pry bar, to cut things, etc. It is a simple necessity in my opinion. I have had my hide saved on multiple occasions because I had my knife on me, and not like I was getting mugged or anything.Leroy_Jethro_Gibbs
I was once at an event where someone kicked a paint bucket over and the paint went everywhere. This was a formal event; plenty of expensive things that could be ruined very easily with a bit of paint. There wasn’t a janitor or a cleaning services person around. I however had my knife on me. I managed to run into the bathroom and pry open a paper towel dispenser. With paper towels in hand I rushed back and was able to clean it all up before anything got damaged.
So rule 2#: always carry a knife (where legally applicable)

Never make decisions in an emotionally compromised state.

Remember that awfully hurtful thing you said when you were angry at your friend? Or that text you sent to your ex because you were sad and perhaps a little drunk? You probably regret those. Which is why I point you to my above rule. Don’t make decisions when emotionally compromised.
Emotions are great, if properly controlled and supervised. If not, they are the psychotic ex that decided an appropriate response to y’all breaking up would be to set your closet on fire (you know the one I’m talking about). All life choices and social choices should be made in a calm state of mind because when they are not regret is usually hiding around the corner.49a069a2141d14e8f85d9e999226c775

This will be a series of posts, each listing three rules I would consider valuable to most age groups. But as with all my advice, recognize I’m a faceless person behind a computer screen. So take it more as guidelines instead of gospel.


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